A bridge between Italy and the United Kingdom
UK universities enjoy an international reputation; for centuries they have been considered, together with American universities, the best in the world and, in fact, every year they occupy the first places in the rankings of the most prestigious universities in the world.
These Universities always attracted thousands of students from every continent, confirming a constant growth in the number of young people who graduate in the UK every year, obtaining a degree that ensures them a bright future and an international career.
In fact, there are hundreds of thousands who dream of being part of these historic, highly prestigious academic institutions; of these universities that boast among their alumni, names of illustrious personalities, women and men of science and medicine, historians and poetesses, political figures of the past and present who have written and write laws and regulations at the service of humanity.
Considering the volume of requests that each year arrive on the desks of the admissions offices at the English and Scottish universities, and in order to maintain a high level of training, teaching and the quality of university courses, the Universities of the Kingdom United require candidates for admission a series of requirements that certify and attest the skills, competences and qualifications they possess at the time of enrollment.